Regular Events
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Contact details: Kirstie Penton Phone/email: 07824 898611 Website

Contact details: Liz Jennings Phone/email: 1stdowntonguides@gmail.com Website

Contact details: Susan Barnhurst-Davies Phone/email: 01725 512963 Website

Contact details: SSI J Burton Phone/email: 07788 975846

Contact details: Jeremy Parsons Phone/email: 01725 512963

Contact details: Mr Simon Bromilow Phone/email: 07785 265019

Contact details: Mr R Plaskett Phone/email: 01725 511258

Contact details: Mr T Pike Phone/email: 01725 511332 Website

Contact details: Mr P Rhoades Phone/email: 01725 514792

Contact details: Mr B Hayward Phone/email: 01725 476908

Contact details: Mr Roy Powell Phone/email: 01725 511324

Contact details: Mrs Heather Borelli Phone/email: 07826 543615

Downton Band is a registered charity that organises four brass bands based in our bandroom at Gravel Close.

Beginners Brass meets on Monday (6pm) and is open to anyone (any age!) who wants to learn a brass instrument. We supply the instrument and tuition.

Our Training Band meets on a Wednesday at 6pm and is open to anyone who has played for a short while and can play five notes or more (again we supply the instrument and tuition).
Jubilee Brass is our just for fun brass ensemble designed for players who can play a bit more, they often perform at garden parties, weddings and local fetes.

And our Senior Band meets on Tuesday evenings (8pm) and is open to anyone who is Grade Three or above standard. The senior band regularly plays both in the village and across the South and competes nationally in the Second Section.

For more information visit http://www.downtonband.org.uk/ or email secretary@downtonband.org.uk

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Contact details: Danie Williams Phone/email: 07535 994164

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Contact details: Ivan Buss buib7@icloud.com Phone/email: 07910 290735 Website

Downton Community Choir runs every Wednesday in term time at Downton Baptist Church South Lane. 8 – 9.30pm

All ages from 13+.

We are a friendly choir singing a wide range of music from Jazz and pop to showtunes. There are no auditions: the only requirement is that you love to sing! The choir sings from music, but there is a wide range of experience, from experienced readers, to those who have never read music.

The choir performs at many local events, including the Cuckoo Fair, the Partridge Fair and at the St Laurence’s Church fete.

For more information please email the choir’s Musical Director, Kate Edgar at Keedgar@aol.com, or visit her website, kateedgarmusic.com

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Contact details: Kate Edgar Phone/email: 01725 512635

Downton Community Pre-school

We are a non-profit charity pre-school offering term-time sessional childcare for 2-5 year olds. We strive to offer a caring, safe and stimulating environment in which your child can grow and learn through play.

Attached is a photo of one of our children enjoying the mud kitchen.

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Contact details: Naomi Hawker Phone/email: 01725 511178 Website

Contact details: Mr Dan Newman Phone/email: 07900 370600 Website

Downton Green Group aims to promote sustainable living, particularly within the local community. Our activities focus on encouraging more responsible use of the earth’s resources, thus conserving them for future generations. Working together we can reduce, repair, re-use, recycle . . . and help take care of our environment.

We run events in Downton on various aspects of sustainable living – Seedy Sunday, Apple Day, Green Energy Day and also aim to make our voice heard through articles in local magazines. We are non-profit making and any funds we do make we donate to local charities which work to increase resilience in their communities.

We are a small group that meets on the last Wednesday of every month (except December) in the White Horse at 8.00pm. You are welcome to come and join us to share ideas on how to promote a better local environment. Either just turn up or email contact@downtongreengroup.org.uk

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Contact details: Jane Brentnor Phone/email: 01725 510504 Website

Formed in 2005 by a small group of interested villagers, the aim of Downton History Group is to encourage more people to take an interest in our rich heritage.

(To find out more about what those numbered stone plaques embedded into people's houses are and their importance to Downton's history go to our website.)

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Contact details: Mr Dave Webber Phone/email: 01725 513759 Website

Downton Horticultural Society

Anyone with an interest in gardening is welcome to join the Downton Horticultural Society. Our members range from armchair gardeners to those who exhibit in national shows, from beginners to experts.

We hold both Summer and Autumn Shows in the Memorial Hall and arrange about four evening meetings when a local expert comes along to talk about some aspect of gardening.

We also arrange a social visit during June to a local garden, a coach outing to a garden further afield, and hold a Plant Sale in the spring to raise funds.

Entry to our shows is free but we do make a small charge for the evening talks unless you are a member. Membership is £6 per year and you can join at any of our events. There is no pressure for members to exhibit at our shows. Please come along, you will be very welcome.

For further details contact Gordon Bishop, DHS Chair (511475).

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Contact details: Mr Tony Ashford Phone/email: 01725 510656

Contact details: Mrs Judi Brown Phone/email: 01725 511649

Contact details: Mr Dave Taylor Phone/email: 01725 513668 Website

Downton Link, known locally simply as “The Link” celebrated its 20th Anniversary in 2016 and is part of a network of Link Schemes across Wiltshire providing transport to hospitals, medical appointments and other necessary journeys for elderly and vulnerable people who are unable to use public transport or where public transport is not available.

Our catchment area is Downton and Redlynch and all the surrounding villages and the service is provided by volunteers. If you would like more information, or would like to offer a few hours a week, at times and on days to suit you, and join us a volunteer driver we should be delighted to hear from you.

Phone 01725 513807 or e-mail info@downtonlink.org.uk

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Contact details: Co-ordinator Phone/email: 01725 513807

Contact details: Dominic Bishop Phone/email: downton-mc@outlook.com Website

Contact details: Sue Larkin Phone/email: 01725 511209

Contact details: Phone/email: clerk@downtonparishcouncil.gov.uk

Contact details: Susan Barnhurst-Davies Phone/email: 01725 512963 Website

Contact details: Susan Barnhurst-Davies Phone/email: 01725 512963

We are a friendly tennis club with three floodlit all-weather courts, 4 mini courts, a practice wall and a Club House. We have preferential access to the indoor courts in the Leisure Centre allowing year-round play. Downton Tennis Club has been Clubmark accredited since 2009 and proudly gained Beacon Status in 2011, emphasising our goals of providing quality and affordable tennis opportunities.

The Club programme offers a mix of adult, junior, squad and individual opportunities. Club night, on Tuesday evening, is well supported throughout the year and we currently have several teams competing in local leagues for those seeking competitive play.

Non-members are welcome for pay and play sessions and as a guest with our current members.

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Contact details: Kevin Burns Phone/email: 07720 209753 Website

Contact details: Mrs Martina Coleman Phone/email: 01725 512556

Contact details: Susan Barnhurst-Davies Phone/email: fosl@stlaurencedownton.co.uk Website

Get Wiltshire Walking

Free graded weekly walking groups led by fully qualified walk leaders. Friendly and fun, they are a great opportunity to get fit, meet new people and get to know your local area.

All our walks are led by fully trained walk leaders who are able to manage and tailor the walk to meet the requirements of the walkers. Providing you are independently mobile and able to meet the physical demands of the walk everyone is welcome.

By attending the walk participants are declaring themselves fit for the activity and they maintain responsibility for their own safety and well being throughout the walk.

We are sorry but no dogs, other than sensory dogs, are allowed.

For more information about Get Wiltshire Walking visit:

or contact our walk coordinators:

Louise Gale 07342 066608 or louise.gale@wiltshire.gov.uk
Natalie Parker 07917 599964 or natalie.parker@wiltshire.gov.uk

We meet outside The Borough Cafe on Wednesday mornings at 10.00am.

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Contact details: Natalie Parker Phone/email: natalie.parker@wiltshire.gov.uk Website

Contact details: Mrs Julia Whitmarsh Phone/email: 01725 510601

Contact details: Sam Bennie Phone/email: 07866 318497 Website

Contact details: Mr R Plaskett Phone/email: 01725 511258

Who we are and what we do

Help for Heroes supports those with injuries and illnesses sustained while serving in the British Armed Forces. No matter when someone served, we give them the support they need to lead active, independent and fulfilling lives.

How we do it

Our specialist teams focus on the five key areas of an individual’s life: medical, mind, body, spirit and family. We provide support to the whole family to help them all cope with the challenges they face.
Long-term recovery is more than repairing damaged bodies and minds; it’s about rebuilding lives.

Help for Heroes’ HQ is based in Downton, spread over several units of the Downton Business Centre. From Marketing to Finance, HR and their Events departments, Downton HQ is a real hive of activity.

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Contact details: ? Phone/email: 01725 513212 Website

Contact details: Jane Launchberry Phone/email: 01725 514546

Contact details: Paul Phone/email: loverrepaircafe@gmail.com Website

Contact details: Mrs Hilary Mace Phone/email: 07760 415818

Contact details: Mrs Jo Parsons Phone/email: 01725 512738

I have recently moved into the village and would like to publicise the Quilt teaching workshops I will be running from September.

Workshops will be held at Downton Memorial Hall

Dates so far are:

Sept 10th Quilt-in-a-Day
Oct 6th Quilt-in-a-Day
Nov 5th Applique techniques

  There will be more dates to follow.

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Contact details: Jacqueline Seymour Phone/email: 0771 332 8822 Website

Contact details: Mr Paul Hammond Phone/email: 07710 425983

Contact details: Kevin Hill Phone/email: downtonscouts@gmail.com Website

Contact details: Jon Edwards Phone/email: downtonbeavers@gmail.com Website

Contact details: Jonathan Borwell Phone/email: downtoncubs@gmail.com Website

Contact details: Dr J McGee Phone/email: 01725 513869 Website

Contact details: Mrs J Greville-Heygate Phone/email: 01725 511755

Created in the early 18th century out of the ruins of a substantial 12th century earthwork castle, Downton Moot Garden is now owned by a local charity.

It is open 365 days a year from dawn to dusk – admission is free.

There is plenty of free car parking adjacent to The Moot. Set in 8 acres and bordering the River Avon, these delightful gardens are a haven for adults and a magical adventure area for children.

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Contact details: Mr Dave Webber Phone/email: 01725 513759 Website

Contact details: Mrs Enid Crook Phone/email: 01725 511196

Copyright © 2025 Downton Village